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June 03, 2006


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what a lovely story and photo! and your memere lived in NH! so we are not that distant after all...

tongue in cheek

How tender of you to share your biberon avec les souris!


What a great memory, and sweet picture. I imagine your son will tell his child he needs the bottle for the chipmunks!


oh sweet story MJ.one of my favorite uses of blogging is to record stories like this.. we didnt have any trouble letting go of the bottle.... it was the binky and pampers...lol... my youngest told me she would give up pampers when I took her to Disneyworld...as if !!!


You used to tell us all sorts of wild stories too, that we took for the truth... I remember one about a family coming to move into Christina's hair! ;)

Ann Marie Simard

Hi, that was very sweet and funny... I am another French speaker... you asked about my last name, yes it is from Quebec indeed... what's your mother's first name if you don't mind? I have my husband's name, I am from Europe and speak French-French but getting used to it here... oh la souris, très mignonne sans doute.... nous recevons la visite d'un bébé souris la nuit... yet it is new here... strange! Think he lost his parents. Anyway, nice to meet you!

Ann Marie


Lol, and now does your son like bunnies? Great Sunday Scribble! The photo was awesome and what a great memory.


Oh how sweet! What goes around comes around again Life is indeed a circle. Annie

Paris Parfait

Lovely, sweet story! Thanks for sharing it. Beautiful photograph, too.

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