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July 29, 2006


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I agree... good for you for taking a stand and doing what is needed to help another. :-)


OH MY GOSH... 120 in her house... yikes...
so glad you persisted... I am sure your adrenaline waw on overtime during all of that heat ! You are right... your 2 cents was
priceless. Lucky mom... lucky daughter.


Good for you for persisting with your mom. There comes that time when the mother-child relationship reverses, and you go from being the child being taken care of, to the child who has to take care of the mother. It is a sad life transition, but ultimately has to happen. I am glad that your mother is well cared for. It is not nagging, it is just that mothers can be very stubborn!

Paris Parfait

I'm so glad you fought for your mom to be comfortable and safe. It's outrageous that you had to go through all that just to make sure she had proper air-conditioning. You "two cents" is priceless, particularly in this instance! Hope your mom is doing fine now.


Good for you, MJ! I think you did the right thing. . . if only more people were advocates like you! And geez, 160 deaths! That is tremendously sad. :(

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